We all have toxic traits that we try our best to rid of our lives. Sometimes it’s as simple as just creating a daily routine to correct what you think needs improvement, other times it’s much more challenging. 

My toxic trait is believing that I can do better than what’s trending on social media.

So why the fuck haven’t I done it?

I can keep blaming it on having a full time job and having to take care of my kid, I can pin it on not having enough time to perfect it the way I want it, but the truth is I’m just afraid of how I’m going to be perceived by the public.

If I’m judging people so harshly, how are they going to judge me?

I can say I have all these short film ideas, I can say I have all these photography and video concepts to push for, but I never spend any time dedicated to it because I’m afraid either no one will enjoy it, or worse, no one will see it.

I challenged my buddy Benjamin to be able to push content out on Instagram and youtube, and for a while, I was fairly consistent… on Instagram. 

I never did the push on Youtube to create long form content. Could I have just regurgitated one of these little articles I’ve written? Probably. So I had the script already done and I never hit record on my camera. 

Even these little articles I was being consistent with on a daily basis just died out, because I felt I could’ve spent this same amount of time working on something that’ll actually have an impact… like watching Netflix and finishing a show… yup that’s how I’m spending my free time…

We’re our worst enemy. I’m my worst enemy. 
I can’t just flip a switch and hope that it’ll all change overnight, but we’re going to be making short small strides little by little to get to where we want to be.

Gotta start somewhere right?