For a more unbiased coverage on personal branding, check out the article I wrote for 4U Agency. This one is meant to be an eye opener for LinkedIn on why it’s a terrible platform, and why everyone hates it.
Dear LinkedIn,
Fix Your Algorithm. It's time for a serious overhaul. Many of us are tired of seeing posts that come off as bragging, promoting an unrealistic lifestyle. It's not a pleasant experience when, in just 10 minutes of scrolling, we're bombarded with posts flaunting net worth and waxing philosophical about why Americans should be content with being "normal" instead of constantly chasing success.
I mean, it's a bit much, don't you think? Especially when everyone knows that the posts are fake, only created to fuel your algorithm.
We shouldn't have to resort to posting content in a bragging tone just to get some attention. Let us post casually, like we do on Facebook, with short and sweet updates under 200 words. Allow us to share a link to a project we're proud of without it getting buried because we didn't turn it into a self-promotional spiel with how I can 10X any businesses.
Fix your networking connection tool. It's become a breeding ground for spam and automated connections. Tools like LinkedOfy are wreaking havoc, flooding our inboxes with scheduled messages once we've connected. This isn't like your clear-cut ad spend; it's a violation of your terms and conditions, and those accounts should be dealt with accordingly — yes, banned.
Especially those accounts that don't contribute any content or, ironically, post complaints like, "It's rude for people to ignore me when I send a message after connecting." To those individuals who knowingly use bots and then wonder why they're ignored, a reality check might be overdue.
How is it that your software can't detect when it's a bot or software sending out these mass networking invites? This has been a longstanding issue, and it's about time it was addressed.
The atmosphere on your platform is Toxic. Yet, as creatives and marketers, it often feels like we're obliged to have accounts and participate in this kind of content.
I don’t want to have to lie and create content talking about my networth or business revenue just to get retention.
I don’t want to have to write micro-blogs just to hope your algorithm will showcase my work.
I don’t want to feel like I have to turn down every networking invitation because it’s just another bot trying to get me to schedule a zoom meeting.
So, here's the deal, LinkedIn. We're looking for more authenticity, less bragging, better spam prevention, and an overall improved user experience. We know you can do better. It's time for change.