What Is Faux Creative?
Honest answer, couldn't tell you. It's a work in progress, but with a vision.
Faux Creative is meant to be a haven for creatives, whether you're a musician, poet, designer, photographer, you name it.
Too often, we find ourselves stuck in jobs that pay the bills but drain our passion, turning us into mere "faux" versions of ourselves. This leads to creative work that falls short of our true potential.
My Origin Story
My first job as a designer/marketer was at a real estate company. I juggled social media for eight-plus agents, helped build websites, and did all the property photography and videography – and all that for a cool $14 an hour,. That's right, California minimum wage at the time baby!
It wasn't enough to make ends meet, and despite promises of raises that never materialized, I gave it my all. I Brought on ideas, invested in equipment, and learned to improve my craft to ensure I could prove to myself and everyone that marketers hold value - we're not just people who you can misvalue because "art isn't a career". But as time passed, the job wore me down. I started showing up late, leaving early, taking shortcuts in my work, and the promise of a better future faded. The constant criticism of my work ethic, even though I was the one bringing in leads to avoid door-knocking, got to me.
The best part: the owner knew what he was doing, so much that I couldn't go by my real name while sending out emails to avoid anyone trying to hire me on the side; my name was Jolu. I was undervalued for my wage, but clearly I made a dent because I could no longer go by my own name.
I ended up in a mental hospital from all the stress. 5 days of vacation for a whopping price of $2500 in medical bills.
When I got back, I made multiple comments for a raise, since I felt that would be the jolt I needed to fuel my creativity again, maybe it was just bills wearing at me and not necessarily the job. Two months later after making comments, I got called in to the boss's office for a raise.
Great right?
Nope. It was a 25 cent raise. Not even to keep up with inflation.
Long story short - I ended up leaving the job because I knew at the end of the day, I was no one to them; I was just a replaceable designer.
Where am I getting at with this?
I know I'm not alone in this struggle. Many in the creative world, whether designers, photographers, or artists, go through similar journeys. We often undervalue ourselves and rush into jobs just to make a living, hoping to avoid the ones that'll drive us insane.
Even now, 5 years later, I find myself still struggling to hold on to the creative rush while employed. Luckily for me, I landed a pretty solid gig at Sun Control, that allows me to be flexible with how I produce content, so that rush never goes away. I'm always able to produce content I'm proud of, or at least know I'm improving in my craft with every post, every design, every ad campaign.
But I really need to lean in how lucky I got. In the span of 5 years, I've worked at 7 jobs relating to a creative field, and I'm just about to hit my first year anniversary on October.
Freedom Of Creative Expression Can Lead To A Healthier Mind
Passion for mental health is at the core of my journey. I understand that many creatives grapple with mental health challenges, and I've experienced this firsthand. As someone with schizophrenia, the traditional office environment just doesn't for me. I need the freedom to roam with a camera, retreat to a closed space where I can spontaneously sketch my thoughts, and immerse myself in music while writing a blog to keep my mind engaged.
Without a creative outlet and the flexibility to adapt, I start to unravel. Anxiety takes hold, my thoughts race uncontrollably, and I'm consumed by visions and ideas that demand out of my head.
Reading "The Creative Act: A Way Of Thinking" brought clarity to everything. The concept of Source, a ceaseless metaphysical energy akin to the ever-shifting seasons of our Earth, resonated deeply.
These are the voices that I'm hearing.
As creatives, we tap into this wellspring of energy, channeling it into art, which in turn becomes a reflection of our thoughts and emotions about life. Art is an embodiment of our existence.
We should be able to freely channel the source - for better creative expression and for better health.
I want to create that safe haven for every creative. #AuthenticSelf